
dependency ratio

Many translated example sentences containing "dependency ratio" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

Many translated example sentences containing "economic dependency ratio" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.
We propose a state-of-health-specific (additive) decomposition of the old-age dependency ratio into an old-age healthy dependency ratio and an old-age ...
Übersetzung im Kontext von „dependency ratio“ in Englisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: The tax rate necessary to fund social spending must equal the ratio ...
Übersetzung im Kontext von „age-dependency ratio“ in Englisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: general context indicators: i.e. national income per capita, ...
total dependency ratio - The total dependency ratio is the ratio of combined youth population (ages 0-14) and elderly population (ages 65+) per ...
Die folgenden Seiten verlinken auf „Glossary:Old-age-dependency ratio/de“: Zeige (vorherige 50 | nächste 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500). Archive:Population ...
Tabelle 4: Altenquotient, 1960-2050 (1) (Bevölkerung im Alter von 65 Jahren und darüber als prozentualer Anteil der Bevölkerung zwischen 15 ...
Download scientific diagram | Development of the age dependency ratio on the basis of different assumptions from publication: Consequences of Enduring Low ...
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für old-age dependency ratio im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen ...
Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für old age dependency ratio im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch).
Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'old-age dependency ratio' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten ...
Unkonventionelle Lösungen für eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft.
Another is the change in the old age dependency ratio. The old age dependency ratio has been used to analyze many different aspects of aging from retirement ...
The dependency ratio will also halve to almost 1:1, with one adult supporting a child or an elderly person. In 2015, there were 100 adults ...
Er nahm die «Dependency-Ratio» mehrerer Länder, also einen Abhängigkeitsquotienten: Er zeigt, wie gross der Anteil der erwerbstätigen ...
In this paper we compare several types of economic dependency ratios for a selection of European countries. These dependency ratios take into account not ...
Fertility rate, life expectancy and old-age dependency, 1960 - 2080. Background Map. OpenStreetMap ... Old-age dependency ratio. Scale. i. Total fertility rate.
Dependency Ratios. Based on Age 16–64 Years. Data Source: Statististisches Bundesamt, Statistics Bureau of Japan, National Institute of Population and ...
Alten- oder auch Altersquotient) einer Fundamentalkritik aus: »The dependency ratio and its components, the youth dependency ratio and the old age ...
1, Municipality, Number of people 15-64 years old (working age population), Number of elderly people > 64 years, Old-age dependency ratio. 2, Code, Name ...
Total population; Population growth; Child dependency ratio; Elderly dependency ratio; Population density; Immigrants; Emigrants. Remittances ...
Child dependency ratio – the ratio between under-19-year-olds and 20-to-69-year-olds. 132.49 (2015). Child mortality (UN IGME (1960 to 2017)). 67.9% (2017).
the old age dependency ratio (OADR) is demonstrated. The old age dependency ratio is defined as the ratio of people over 60 years to people between 20 and ...
Demographic context. Permanent resident population. 2017. 171,017. Population density in km². 2017. 7,170.5. Youth dependency ratio. 2017. 25.8. Old age ...
Zentrale Zensusdatenbank der Statistischen Ämter des Bundes und der Länder. Ergebnisse der Bevölkerungs-, Gebäude- und Wohnungszählung aus dem ...
1 Verschiedene dependency ratios nach Sanderson und Scherbov 2010 sowie 2015. (Eigene Berechnung jeweiliger Zunahme für auf Publikation von 2010 ...
The old age dependency ratio is now something of a misnomer. Many people at age 65 and above are living quite independent and active lives, with incomes ...
... China - we now believe China's population will peak earlier than expected, while the old-age dependency ratio will approach 30% by 2030.
Perspective on "Optimal Education in Times of Ageing: The Dependency Ratio in the Uzawa-Lucas growth model". Publikations-Art ...
Definition: Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents--people younger than 15 or older than 64--to the working-age population--those ages 15-64.
TRACY -. Bonn, 18. April 2013. Matthias Gather. 6. Öffentliche Finanzen. Old-age dependency ratio by NUTS 2 regions, 2030 ...
Die Daten dafür fußen auf dem Altersquotienten („Old Age Dependency Ratio“), kurz OADR. Dabei werden die von Unterstützung abhängigen Personen über ...
somit das Rentenalter erreicht haben. Traditionell wird der Altersquotient (old age dependency ratio, kurz OADR), dazu benutzt, Rückschlüsse auf die Belastung.
Median age 46.2 | Old-age dependency ratio 36. Age-groups change. Download the data · Further information. Embed this graphic < / >. © Statistisches ...
Average duration of marriage in years ? Death rate ? Deaths ? Dependency ratio ? Divorce rate ? Divorces ? Fertility rate ? Financial Management, expenditures.
Andere Variablen wie das age dependency ratio, die Verbreitung von Massenmedien, die Existenz eines extrem trockenen Klimas, eine föderale Staatsstruktur ...
The situation of Switzerland is problematic even in comparison with other industrialized countries: for instance, the old-age dependency ratio of ...
Der Begriff Dependency Ratio bezeichnet das Verhältnis zwischen dem berufstätigen Teil einer Bevölkerung und den Rentenempfängern. Je höher die ...
Water Resources - Dependency Ratio.
A method to numerically predict the loading ratio dependency of long crack propagation rates under cyclic loading. Gillner, Karl; Becker, Steffen; Lang, ...
Bender, Oliver (2008) Young Age Dependency Ratio – Jugendquote – Taux des séniors dépendants – Indice di dipendenza degli anziani – Stopnja odvisnosti ...
Aging is equivalent to an increase in the old-age dependency ratio of an OLG-economy with two-period lived individuals. In this framework aging increases the ...
The percentage of people 65 or older grew from 6.1 in 1990 to 8.6 in 2000, and elderly dependency ratio increased from 9.1 to 12.2 (Accounting and Statistics ...
DC. Supply Concentration. SC. Dependency Ratio. DR. Supply Dependency. SD. Environmental Implications. EI. Supply Risk. SR. Environmental impact Ratio.
Auch hier wird mit einer drastischen Erhöhung des Altenquotienten (old age dependency ratio), d. h. der Zahl der über 60jährigen im Verhältnis zur Zahl der 20- ...
„Dependency Ratio“ – die zentrale Stellgrösse. 9. Mai 2010. 2. Zunehmende Lebenserwartung. Auswirkungen auf Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. Produktivität ...
Dr. Vegard Skirbekk International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg. The Old Age Dependency Ratio (OADR) is a widely used measure ...
Durchschnittsalter, Medianalter. • Breite Altersgruppen. • Abhängigkeitsquotienten (dependency ratios). • Unterstützungsquoten (support ratios). Alterspyramiden ...
The estimation results of several error-correction-models show, that in the long-run an increase in the old age dependency ratio and a decline in the ...
According to official reports across the board, the old-age dependency ratio has been on a rampant rise over the years. Every region is ...
(auch Gesamtquotient, Lastquotient, engl. total dependency ratio) Der Abhängigkeitsquotient bezeichnet das Verhältnis der wirtschaftlich abhängigen ...
... connect the amount of starting pensions to the development of demographic and economic factors, such as life expectancy and the old-age dependency ratio.
The demographic dependency ratio, that is the number of under 15 and over 65-year-olds per 100 working age persons was highest in the ...
But the "old-age dependency ratio", which is often used to justify political recommendations, does not allow conclusions to be drawn about the economic ...
As a result, the ratio of children and retirees to those of working age – known as the dependency ratio – is increasing, particularly in developed ...
Dependency Ratio, 67.6, 57.0, 51.0, 41.4, 42.5, 36.6. 0-14 yrs, 4,849, 4,576, 4,840, 4,563, 4,798, 3,532. 15-64 yrs, 8,275, 9,630, 11,406, 13,529, 13,973, 12,814.
Aging is equivalent to an increase in the old-age dependency ratio of an OLG-economy with two-period lived individuals. In this framework ...
To reduce dependency ratio through education and promote independency, innovation and creativity. To open doors of opportunities and promote exposure.
... in the form of population losses, but also through a changing demographic structure (i.e. less children and adolescents, more elderly, higher dependency ratio, ...
Bislang beruhen Schätzungen für diese Größen auf dem sogenannten Altersquotienten (kurz: OADR, Old Age Dependency Ratio), der aus verschiedenen ...
The sex ratio in the municipality is 88,9, meaning that for every 100 women there are 88 men. Quick Fact Image ...... Dependency ratio, 82,8%. Sex ratio, 85,1.
The work is also dealing with its result of trust and dependence from patients in the pharmaceutical industry and thier dependency ratio. Year 2015. Material
Age and gender classification, sex ratio, calculation and interpretation of age. Mean age (arithmetic mean and median), old-age dependency ratio, Support Ratio ...
Dann wird sich die sogenannte Total Dependency Ratio ungünstig entwickeln – damit bezeichnet man das numerische Verhältnis zwischen ...
Der Abhängigenquotient ist ein Begriff aus der Demografie. Er gibt das Verhältnis der Anzahl ... und sollte vermieden werden, da der Quotient immer eine Ratio bzw. ein Größenverhältnis von zwei unterschiedlichen Populationen beschreibt.
Die «Dependency Ratio» gibt das Verhältnis der Anzahl Personen, die nicht im Erwerbstätigenalter sind, zur Anzahl Personen im Erwerbstätigenalter in einer ...
We also show that the fast-growing dependency ratio may affect labor markets negatively through public finances. Since government budgets are unsustainable ...
Demographische Alterung– Messung der demographischen Alterung. ▷ Old Age Dependency Ratio (OADR): P65+. P15−64. ▷ Support Ratio (SR): P15−64.
Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents – people younger than 15 or ... The change in the age dependency ratio gives some indication ...
Figure D. Je 100 20 bis 64-Jährige ratio of population aged 0-19 and 65+ per. 100 population 20-64. Gesamtquotient. Total dependency ratio (ratio of population.
population forecasts of the United Nations, the ratio between the population over 65 ... industrialized countries: for instance, the old-age dependency ratio of the ...
PEO data. Demographics & Job Market. Numbers of citizens, volume of work, employed, youth and old age dependency ratio. Macroeconomic Data.
According to Coface economists' calculations, sub-Saharan Africa had a significantly higher export dependency ratio (on a 0-to-1 scale) than ...
Altersabhängigkeitsquotient (Old Age Dependency Ratio). Pro Senectute Bibliothek, 28. Juni 2018. Lanzieri, 2011; European Commission, ...
ow-age dependency ratio in cales, 2014. Garn: ! Flade cupFRI. Bathrown. NUI CILI. OTHERWISE. MAYBE. DEATH IS. NATURAL eurostate. Antaire hornsax ...
We reject a blanket acceptance of dependency and reduce its usefulness to ... When the dependency ratio includes both youth and elderly, it is referred to as ...
all diese Prognosen basieren auf dem Altersabhängigkeitsquotienten Old-Age Dependency Ratio (OADR) – also dem. Verhältnis zwischen ...
dependency ratios and, accordingly, for savings and physical capital ... on population aging in terms of the old‐age dependency ratio. For low ...
Old-age dependency ratio for Germany and Berlin. In percent for 2015 and 2050. Source: Computation based on own projections. The old-age ...
Germany's population was set to drop by 7.7% due to a birth rate of only 1.4 ... pointing to a rising dependency ratio and increasing age-related ...
Dann die wenig verwunderliche Folge, dass immer mehr Alte von den Aktiven finanziert werden müssen: „The old age dependency ratio, ...
65 years and over: 13.53% (male 2,918,156/female 3,972,796) (2016 est.) Dependency ratios, total dependency ratio: 37.2% youth dependency ratio: 19.2%
... more skewed towards the right, implying for social assistance programs of any type a larger dependency ratio between net beneficiaries and net contributors.
Then, utilizing the population life table and net reproduction rate, the effects of increasing life expectancy and declining fertility on the dependency ratio were ...
Sie wird "adult disability dependency ratio" (ADDR) genannt. Der Artikel zeigt auf, dass sich die Geschwindigkeit gesellschaftlicher Alterung um ...
Demographic gift is a term in demographics used to describe the initially favorable effect of falling fertility rates on the age dependency ratio, the fraction of ...
Dependency Ratio“ noch niedrig. Phase 4: niedrige Geburtenraten/rückläufige Mortalität. = „Ageing Society“. = „Dependency Ratio“ kontinuierlich ansteigend ...
The age dependency ratio (number of patients aged 65 and older/100 patients aged 20–65) was lowest in Berlin in 2008, at 29, although the ...
One telling measure of the growing mismatch between care requirement and provision is the old-age dependency ratio. This ratio, the number ...
Die Grafik unterscheidet weiter, ob die Haushalte ausreichend Arbeitskräfte und damit Selbsthilfepotenzial haben (low dependency ratio), oder ...
family size, dependency ratio (young, old and total), population density, .... Young Dependency Ratio (less tan ten years of age) and Old Age ...
In this case, the dependancy ratio will not double or triple but increase by a factor of ... oldest old population dependency ratio (potential support ratio) mortality.
In particular, the increase in the old-age dependency ratio and the associated stagnation or decrease in the labor force may be important factors underlying ...
Neuer Modellvorschlag: Berücksichtigung des Faktors „adult disability dependency ratio“. So soll die Beziehung zwischen den Hilfebedürftigen ...
44%. Working population. 5.0m Old-age-dependency ratio. 27%. 62%. Net Pension Replacement Rates from Public Pension Systems for average earners, 2013.
The dependency ratio is the number of persons under the age of 15 and over the ... can be interpreted as the ratio of persons that are not normally economically ...
abgefangen durch Rückgang von Deckungsquote und Benefit Ratio. □ Erhöhung der ... z.B. Altersabhängigkeitsquotient („Dependency Ratio“).
by the doubling of the old age dependency ratio …. Yet the real issue is the economic dependency ratio, defined as the unemployed and pensioners.
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